CPA Australia Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeJUNE 26,2024 Drug Information Association (US) Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeMAY 14,2024 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeAPRIL 22,2024 The German Federal Association For Economic Development And Foreign Trade Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeMARCH 11,2024 Association of Banking and Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeFEBRUARY 04,2024 The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeFEBRUARY 04,2024 International Society for Design Science Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeJANUARY 19,2024 World Cat Lovers Association WCFA (Ukraine) Setting Up Shanghai Representative OfficeOCTOBER 08,2023